The number 1 most attractive masculine trait.
But what EXACTLY is CONFIDENCE and why does it seem so hard to attain?

We'll get to that, but for now I'd like you to imagine for a moment walking into a room filled with your heroes and favorite people.
Notice that YOU are actually the most genuinely confident man there. All of a sudden, for some reason, you feel the self-assuredness of George Clooney and Brad Pitt.
James Bond looks at you as an equal (or maybe he admires you).
You KNOW nothing can change your mood or get you down. You know all the beautiful women want you. You KNOW you can literally accomplish anything.
You FINALLY feel internally strong.

Because for the first time in your life, you are GENUINELY confident.
Not cocky, not arrogant, not "puffed-up." You're not making up for something that isn't there. There is nothing left to resist.
You are genuinely, nonchalantly, CONFIDENT.
As Muhammad Ali said, "I'm not conceited, I'm just convinced."
It's magnetic to everyone around you and it makes you feel UNSTOPPABLE.You've never felt so GOOD in such a healthy real way.
You have NOTHING left to PROVE.

My former boss, a master of understanding people once told me, "You know, you're both the most AND least confident person I've ever met."
I have to admit, I was a little stunned. I kind of understood what he meant at the time, but that comment got me thinking.
"What am I missing?" I asked myself.
It turns out that while I had half of confidence down better than almost anyone I know, I was COMPLETELY missing the other half. My boss was right!
So, I went on a mission to find the missing piece of confidence for me.
It was a long, painful road to learning how to be truly confident in every sense of the word.
I spent over $20,000. I went to workshops. I read hundreds of books. I read hundreds of academic journal articles. I did my own original research. I even wrote my own book about confidence!
Then, I realized I could simplify what I've learned even more and make it easier for people to understand and implement.
And that's when The Confidence Formula was born.

-It's like doing 10 years of personal development in 11 life-changing modules.-
Inside the Confidence Formula, I show you how to build real, genuine confidence that never goes away.
I show you how to apply your REAL confidence to every area of your life and I show you how to deal with those rare situations where you need a "spike" of confidence (job interview, date, big game, etc.).
You will never be the same again in a really good way.
You will have all the understandings and tools you need to become the MOST confident version of YOURSELF:
- Women will be more attracted to you.
- You will be more likely to get a raise or make more money on your own.
- People will comment on the "new you" often.
- You will be an example of genuine confidence to everyone in your life.
- People will admire you.
- You will start to notice people wanting to do things for you.
- You will get what you want more often without hurting anyone else.
- You'll be able to take action toward the life you want even if you feel afraid.
- You'll have tools to deal with those BIG moments where you need a "SPIKE" of Confidence.
- You will have an edge on 99% of men in any endeavor you choose.
- You will feel more comfortable with yourself than you ever have before.
- You'll be able to live a life of YOUR CHOOSING.
Sounds great, doesn't it? Keep Reading...
What we cover in this life-changing 11-module, 4.5 hour+ multimedia course:
- The "FOUNDATION" of genuine confidence most people miss and NEVER attain. (This is what I was missing!)
- The 5 Pillars of GENUINE Confidence.
- Contextual Confidence - How to apply your foundational confidence to any area of your life.
- Confidence "Spikes" for those BIG moments in life (Crush your job interviews and "big" dates).
- The science of confidence.
- 4 Confidence "Power Boosters" that will boost how confident you feel ANY TIME.
- 2 Confidence "Secret Powers" that will take your real confidence to unimaginable levels.
- Exercises that make sure what you learn is INTERNALIZED.
- How to ACT IN SPITE OF FEAR. (You will be afraid and you will be able to "do it anyway.")
- Why confidence DOES NOT necessarily equal comfort and how to manage discomfort.
- How to build on and grow your GENUINE confidence for the REST OF YOUR LIFE.
How I came up with the price for The Confidence Formula...
Well, I'm obviously not going to charge you anywhere near the $20,000+ it cost me to learn everything I will share with you inside.
Even though I think the program is worth every penny (and you'll see in a minute that guys like you agree), the Confidence Formula won't cost you even $1,997.00.
I truly believe in the Confidence Formula system and I want you to be able to grab it right now and feel amazing about your investment in yourself.
Here are what other guys just like you have been saying about The Confidence Formula:
- Will J.![]()
"Multiple 'AHA' Moments in each Module..."
I own all of Jim's programs. One of my favorite things about Jim is that he's 0% about "pumping you up" and 200% about content. Confidence Formula is no different. While listening to each module I had multiple 'aha' moments about my thought patterns and behaviors. I saw I've been limiting myself in the exact ways he illustrates. After listening I felt more admiring of myself and more open to the world. Jim doesn't claim to offer instant confidence overnight, but his advice on how to get on the right track is simple, and immediately beneficial. Definitely recommend this program.
- Dave H.![]()
"Jim Wolfe over-delivers!"
What is confidence? Everyone kind of knows what that word means, but Jim explains that word thoroughly and then over-delivers on it. There are five words that make up the formula and all five combined really add up and inspire you. Add the confidence “boosters” and I feel like I constantly need to take action every day! And yes, he also lays out a plan for your future so you can become the most confident person that you can be. I honestly have not gone through a program like this before. We are all on different journeys in life, but at the end of it I felt like I could take on whatever the world throws at me and I’m sure it can do the same for many other people.
- Bill H.![]()
"Confidence Formula is STILL changing my life the SECOND time through!"
I've listened to Confidence Formula twice, and the parts that jumped out at me were different the first and the second time. The first time my takeaways mostly had to do with ways that I'm selling myself short in my relationship with myself. The second time I was more struck by the sections on how to perceive and relate with other people. I've been having a tough time with bosses at work, and Jim's words caught me at the right time. I feel that this program is helping me develop the tools to move through the world and create win-wins everywhere I go.
- "Z."![]()
"You'll thank yourself!"
Ask yourself what confidence really means, and then when you're done twisting your brain up in misunderstood roads that lead to nowhere...get Jim. You'll thank yourself as much as you thank him.
- Scott P.![]()
"This one-of-a-kind system allows you to transform every area of your life with minimal effort..."
Jim has systematized how to transform any and every area of your life with minimal effort. Having spent over $12,000 and thousands of hours in personal development programs and books over the past several years, I can wholeheartedly say that ‘The Confidence Formula’ is one of a kind.
I want you to be able to join all of the guys who have changed their lives inside the Confidence Formula system.
So, I'm not going to make YOU pay $399, as I originally planned, or even $199.
When you buy right now, you can get the complete Confidence Formula system for only $147 $79.
Just $79 Today.
And when you order, it's totally secure. So there's nothing holding you back. Register now and you'll be off and running in just a few minutes.

60-Day Money Back Guarantee
And of course the Confidence Formula System is backed up by my iron-clad 60-day money back guarantee. If you get through the Confidence Formula system and you don't feel more confident and that you have everything you need to become your most confident self, please ask for a refund and we will take care of it for you no questions asked. I care about your RESULTS.

You don't have to DECIDE right now that The Confidence Formula is right for you. That's okay with me.
ALL I ask is that you say "Maybe."
Go through all 11 modules, do the exercises, and experience the way the Confidence Formula transforms every area of your life.
If you are not 100% completely BLOWN AWAY...if you don't feel like your life is PERMANENTLY better, just contact our team any time in the next 60 days and we will immediately refund every cent of your investment.
We care about our clients and we take customer service VERY seriously.
I'm offering this guarantee because I stand behind the Confidence Formula 110%.
I've seen the effect of the Confidence Formula on myself and on people who thought they'd never be truly confident.
I WANT this for you. I want you to know what it feels like to be your most genuinely confident self.
Make this risk-free investment in yourself and join us inside the Confidence Formula right now.

I'll see you on the INSIDE. Cheers! =)

Contact us at: JimWolfeHelpDesk@gmail.com
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